Contact Improvisation Jam
Date: 30-03-25 | Class 17:00 | Jam 18:30 – 20:00
Costs: Class €10 | Jam €5 | Combination: €1515
Location: Franciscus Romanusweg 52 Maastricht
Contact Improv is an interactive and playful movement practise. By using the fundamentals of sharing weight, balance and attunement we find endless ways to move together. This practice develops sensitivity to our own bodies and those of our dancepartners; learning how we can harmoniously relate to each other in movement and beyond.
On this Sunday Leonie & Clarissa will offer a short and sweet beginners intro to Contact Improv class to make your jamming experience even more enjoyable.
If you have never been in a jam, or have no previous experience this class is for you.
In the jam we come together to dance, exploring Contact Improvisation in a playful and respectful way towards out own bodies and those of others.
We will open the jam with some guidance, and then let the creativity and exploration of the movers and dancers fill the space!
The Anatomy of Touch

Dates: Thursdays 18:30-20:30 | 27th of March till 29th of May
Costs: 235,- (10 weekly classes)
Location: Elisabeth Strouvenlaan 51a, Maastricht
In this course we will explore the gentle side of Contact Improvisation; an interactive movement practise which uses the fundamentals of sharing weight, finding balance and attunement. Aiming to develop sensitivity to our own and others movements and how they can relate harmoniously to each other.
Through guided movement practises we dive into the wonderful world of body work, creating space to move mindfully, sensing and articulating our somatic boundaries. Blending Contact Improvisation, human anatomy, the work of Irmgard Bartenieff, massage and consent work these meetings will be a delicious mix that will calm the body, warm the heart and make you feel like you gifted yourself a spa day.
Content & Structure: Each meeting will explore a different part of our anatomy such as the scapula, limbs, spine, cranium or pelvis. We will explore these parts through solo movement, followed by partnerwork (such as guiding each other in movement, massage or locating muscles or bones). We then carry our movement research into a dialogue of dance and movement, ending in playful connection.
For whom? Dancers, Movers, anatomy nerds, people who want to learn more about relating to themselves or others, lovers of everything somatic, people who work too hard, cuddlers and Contact improvisation enthusiasts.
Sign up for any of the workshops
at the bottom of the page.
Contact Improvisation Jam
Contact Improv is a playful movement improvisation that is explored in contact with others. By using the fundamentals of sharing weight, attunement, momentum and balance we find ways to move together. This practice develops sensitivity to our own and others movements and how they can relate harmoniously to each other.
On this Sunday Leonie & Clarissa will offer a short and sweet beginners intro to Contact Improv class to make your jamming experience even more enjoyable.
If you have never been in a jam, or have no previous experience this class is for you.
In the jam we come together to dance, exploring Contact Improvisation in a playful and respectful way towards our own bodies and those of others.
We will open the jam with some guidance, and then let the creativity and exploration of the movers and dancers fill the space!
Time: Class 17:00 | Jam 18:30 – 20:00
Costs: Class €10 | Jam €5 | Combi: €15
The anatomy of touch: Contact Improvisation course
In this course we will explore the gentle side of Contact Improvisation; an interactive movement practise which uses the fundamentals of sharing weight, finding balance and attunement. Aiming to develop sensitivity to our own and others movements and how they can relate harmoniously to each other.
Through guided movement practises we dive into the wonderful world of body work, creating space to move mindfully, sensing and articulating our somatic boundaries. Blending Contact Improvisation, human anatomy, the work of Irmgard Bartenieff, massage and consent work these meetings will be a delicious mix that will calm the body, warm the heart and make you feel like you gifted yourself a spa day.
Content & Structure: Each meeting will explore a different part of our anatomy such as the scapula, limbs, spine, cranium or pelvis. We will explore these parts through solo movement, followed by partnerwork (such as guiding each other in movement, massage or locating muscles or bones). We then carry our movement research into a dialogue of dance and movement, ending in playful connection.
For whom? Dancers, Movers, anatomy nerds, people who want to learn more about relating to themselves or others, lovers of everything somatic, people who work too hard, cuddlers and Contact improvisation enthusiasts
Dates: Thursdays 18:30-20:30 | 27th of March till 29th of May
Costs: 235,- | 10 consecutive Thursdays