Drama Therapy

Drama therapy is one of the forms of therapy within the expressive arts therapies that we offer in our practice in Maastricht. Other specialisations include dance and movement therapy, art therapy and music therapyHere we would like to introduce you to the varianty where therapy and the art of theatre meet.

The Greek word ‘drama’ means 'action'
and this is where the focus lies within drama therapy.

What is drama therapy?

Drama Therapy is a form of therapeutic treatment that focuses on psychological, social and emotional problems. The aim of drama therapy is to bring these problems to light, to conquer them, to examine them, to decrease or to accept them. Within drama therapy different forms of theatre and expression techniques are used such as; roleplaying, masks, improvisation, theatre text, directing, games and poetry.

Dealing with one’s personal struggles in a ‘playful’ manner can help to offer another perspective on the problems you face. 
The drama therapist consciously uses specific techniques to start the process of acceptance and/or healing of difficulties or problems.

Drama therapy is experience oriented. The playful elements used by drama therapist are methodologically integrated with a reflective intuitive process that is inspired by the person undergoing treatment.This offers one to open up to different ways of expressing emotions, experiences and ideas. The ‘pretend’ situation provides the possibility to experiment with new behaviours in a safe environment.

Drama therapy bases the methods and work forms on existing fields of knowledge like psychology, psychotherapy and special education. The treatment aims to create changes in thoughts, feelings and coping mechanisms. Through this process one’s issues could resolve, decrease or teach you to deal with them in a healthy mannerism. At the start of a process concrete goals are chosen. These goals could be; improving communication, the ability to empathise, social interaction, self confidence, self worth and self representation. Drama therapy can be done individually, in a group, with a partner or with other family relations.

Our dramatherapist


My dramatherapeutic background has taught me how to use expression, movement and art elements as a means of facilitating therapy. It can happen that the dialogue is a part of the process and it also happens that people mostly want to immerse themselves in the experience. To connect to sensations, emotions or to the body, or to practice specific skills. There are many possibilities expressive arts therapy to attune the treatment to what the other person needs… Read more.
